New Year Resolutions for Your Home
1. Make Your Personal Space….Personal
The rooms featured in Architectural Digest are beautiful and trendy decor can be fun. But, resist the urge to buy things for your home just because that’s what the cool kids are into. Your home should be a reflection of you.
My personal style is bohemian chic with a dash of Old Hollywood glam which explains my love of gold fixtures, mirrored furniture, and unexpected decorative touches – like my mom’s vintage Louis Vuitton handbag (pictured below).
QUIZ: What’s Your Decorating Style?
2. Stay on Top of Your Bills
Last year, I came home to find a bright red disconnect notice from the water company on my door knob. It wasn’t because I didn’t have the funds to pay (Thank God), I simply forgot about it. Don’t let this happen to you. To avoid making that mistake again, I set almost all of my monthly bills up on auto-pay. For bills that don’t have an auto-pay option, I set reminders on my cell phone.
3. Create a Cleaning Schedule
Stop putting off your household chores until they pile up and become too overwhelming. Create a cleaning schedule. Tackle smaller tasks on a more regular basis so that your chores never become unmanageable.
Click here for cleaning tips and free daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning checklists.
4. Don’t Be So Anti-Social
One of my resolutions last year was to entertain more. So, I played Hostess “with the most-est” for Thanksgiving. My family came over for dinner, mugs of my delicious spiked cider, and a good time was had by all. It felt good to see my loved ones enjoying my home as much as I do.
Need a little motivation to entertain? My personal fave, the bar cart maybe your answer.
I found my bar cart (pictured below) for a steal on Not only does the bar cart instantly increase the cool factor in your space, it can also be used to stock your party essentials – spirits, festive glasses, snacks, you name it. All you have to do is invite a few people over and get your party on!
I’d love to hear other New Years resolutions you’ve made for your home? Share them with me in the comments.